Training - education and support for change management
Current requirements for the level of knowledge and skills of employees are as diverse, dynamic and demanding as the industry itself. Continuous training of employees is essential for:
- improving business indicators,
- implementation of innovations,
- improving efficiency industrial processes,
- personal development of employees.
i.Training focuses on the education and development of leaders and their successors who work (predominantly) in the industrial sector and need to expand their knowledge portfolio. i.Training is a complete development program:
- top management(production managers, quality managers, HR managers,…),
- middle management (industrial engineers, process engineers,…),
- line management (masters, supervisors, team leaders,…),
- operators (production, assembly, maintenance, quality…).
i.Training – types of training programs
The trainings are focused on practical problem solving in companies, individual development of participants, discovering their own talent and motivation based on understanding the benefits of the implemented method.
Within the i.Training we provide 4 basic types of education. The training is divided on the basis of the addressee, intensity, scope, content and way of sharing expertise (see figure below).
Learning from examples
Vigorous training of groups or individuals providing guidance on the implementation of the presented methods in practice.
Learning by doing
Interactive training for sharing knowledge about implementation of LEAN methods realised by a game that engages each participant in its action.
by leadering
Intensive training of the leader or team leader responsible for the implementation of the selected methodology / tool in the corporate practice on a pilot project.
Intensive training and support of a leader or team member, along with participants and other members of the organization. Direct participation in the pilot and subsequent support in the implementation of the instrument / methodology within other parts of the organization.
Learning from examples – intensive professional courses
Professional explanation with examples of practical solutions - interactive form.
Individual and group work on short practical exercises (depending on the chosen course).
Training video films and demonstrations from the environment of companies applying individual methods.
Software support of selected methods (AviX, eForms, PowerBI).
Trainings are in the form of "Learning from example“ It means training with examples from practice „učenie sa na príkladoch“.
The trainings are intended especially for workers working at lower rungs in the organization hierarchy, resp. those responsible for implementing or implementing the change (implementation team members, stakeholders, etc.)
Basic training goals:
- creation of a clear professional platform for the correct implementation of the selected method,
- learning from current case studies, practice examples and best practices,
- defining the links, responsibilities, competences and overall organizational framework for a specific methodology.
Each participant in the intensive professional course will receive:
- working manual with materials for using the acquired methods in own organization,
- certificate of completion(specific course).
We focus mainly on providing firm courses. So education is most often carried out at the client's headquarters (unless agreed otherwise). We cover employee education across all levels of the organizational structure.
Basic training information:
- time required is 1 to 3 days depending on the chosen course,
- training is led by 1 to 2 specialists with long-term experience in the presented area,
- minimum number of participants in the group is 3 members, maximum 12,
- kurzy sú vhodné pre všetkých zamestnancov (od operátorv, cez stredný manažment až ku TOP manažmentu).
Naše kurzy customizujeme (prispôsobujeme) v závislosti od žiadateľa, preto sú vhodné ako pre administratívne procesy, tak aj pre procesy výroby, či servisné procesy – zlepšiť ukazovatele výkonu si zaslúžia všetci.
Our tip
We recommend training to employees who are directly responsible for implementing the change, implementing the methodology, or sharing information. Specifically, these are positions engineers of production, quality, maintenance, logistics, sales, process engineers, supervisors, internal trainers, auditors. Na základe predchádzajúcich skúseností tento typ vzdelávania neodporúčame pre tých zamestnancov, ktorým sa zmení ich obsah alebo spôsob práce pod vplyvom implementovanej metódy, pretože sa intenzívne venujú spôsobu jej nasadenia a benefity z nej vyplývajúce popisujú všeobecným spôsobom.
Learning by doing – Lean interactive simulation games
Using Lean interactive simulation games, participants will understand the process, reasons and benefits of implementation Lean philosophy and its tools in a simple, fast and efficient way. The iGrow Network Lean trainings for process efficiency are created by specialist from practice specifically to serve as a tool for training a selected method in cases such as initial training about Lean method before implementation in company, employee development, new employee training and the like. Combining interactive games with training in the use of industrial methods is a modern and effective method of teaching - learning by doing .
Benefits of Lean Interactive Simulation Games
- getting to know the basic principles of Lean management, methodologies and tools na vlastnej koži.
- direct practical implementationmanagement and monitoring of the development and changes of the presented method.
- acceptance of the change, technique and tool of the presented method and awareness of the personal benefits that result from it.
- gaining “top view” and understanding the impact of change for department and company.
- awareness of the importance work of each department and importance sharing information across the organizational structure.
- involvement of all participants in the training.

Another benefit is the development of selected soft and management skills. For example:
- better understanding of team members and development of teamwork,
- effective communication and active listening,
- decision making under pressure,
- taking decisions,
- complex problem solving,
- argumentation of decisions,
- time management and change management,
- planning, organizing, managing and controlling activities and many others..
Our tip
Lean interactive simulation games we recommend to employees who are changing the content or way of working under the influence of the implemented methodology. Furthermore, those who need toknow about the extent of its benefits - without the need for a more detailed description of its methodology, method of implementation and the like. And last but not least, those who work for the departments that support the implemented methodology.
These include: operators of production, logistics, maintenance, controllers quality, team leaders,supervisors, masters but also members of middle management support departments and last but not least Top management of organisation.
Learning by experience – combination of project and training activities
Level of education - learning by experience - present combination of project and training activities. The leader is about a selected methodology, tool, philosophy, which covers the project intensively trained by specialists in professional terms. By sharing individual project stages and collaborating “directly in the field”, we can “turn your employee” into a leader, which is a prerequisite for the sustainability and growth of implemented innovation.
The process leader in cooperation with our training specialist is implementing the project at the pilot workplace. The following extension of the methodology to the rest of the organization, machinery or space is implemented by the leader independently.
The overall scope, intensity, methodology and tools used for education and "creating leader" are never uniform. They depend on several variables, such as:
- defined pilot workplace,
- current machine fleet level,
- availability of resources for implementation,
- availability of the future process owner,
- awareness of the project by third parties,
- status and scope of documentation (planning, control standards, escalation plan, education, defining CFT teams, etc.)
Implementation of standardized work principles: Pilot + learning by experience(10 days).

In the case of an agreement, our training specialist can also carry out a set of add-on activities such as the following:
- develop all necessary contents (eg. presentation, materials, etc.), for next job of leader of project,
- directly train future team members, stakeholders, or other employees on the methodology,
- provide intensive professional training for the leader and / or group, beyond the defined project objective (root cause training, process control and others by level 1 and others).
5S implementation in input material warehouse: Pilot + learning by experience (7 days).
Our tip
We recommend this type of training activities especially for employees who will represent the process owner - or will be its direct implementeror employees responsible for organizing internal training in the organization.
Specifically, we mean, for example: masters, maintenance masters, maintenance specialists, quality specialists, lean specialists, production masters, quality masters, quality specialists and the like.
We know from experience that this training has the best effect, if only one employee attends the project (depending on the project).
Business couching – sustainability of implemented changes
The last level of education we cover is the long-term development of leaders or members of the TOP management of the organization and overseeing the sustainability of the implemented changes, set time schedules and also defining the areas of future project development. Jedná sa o časovo najintenzívnejšie vzdelávanie, ktoré i.Training poskytuje. Biznis koučing sa „končí“ implementáciou metodiky na pilotnom pracovisku a odovzdaním projektu majiteľovi procesu. V prípade, že sa klient rozhodne využiť náš support aj pre nasledujúce aktivity hovoríme už o higher form of education and support - TOP training.
Depending on the requirement of the client, it may consist of one or all of the following alternatives of education.

Coaching – project leader
- long-term coaching of process leader, respectively. long-term support during project implementation,
- support for team management and adherence to the action plan schedule,
- support in extending the methodology to new workplaces,
- at the client's headquarters and on-line support.

Coaching – manager
- long-term professional and personal growth of the selected manager in the organization with regard to the effective achievement of the KPI of his department,
- the sponsor may also be a natural person,
- regular practical trainings with a view to uniform growth of hard and soft skills.

Process coordination
- long-term supervision over the progress of project work and project team,
- primary focus on the goal of the methodology - the development of knowledge and the education of the leader and the team, whether their motivation is secondary,
- performing on-site supervision and supervising online tasks.
In addition to the above-mentioned alternatives, we offer you the opportunity to use above-standard services in the area of employee training and development:
Knowledge audit of the organization
Creation of education plan
For department / organization, creation of reports - respectively comprehensive coverage of selected types of internal and external training for department / organization.
Evaluation of professional growth of employees
With regard to the realized training and performance.
Analysis of requirements
Analysis of employee needs and requirements of processes and design of optimal training programs.
Our tip
This type of educational activity is intended for TOP managers, especially production departments, directors and company presidents.
Owners of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially production entities, who need to help in defining the right goal of their direction.
HR specialist and HR management as a support of educational activities.
Offer of education
Predstavujeme vám našu ponuku vzdelávania, v ktorej môžete nájsť tréningy zamerané na rôzne oblasti spadajúce pod priemysel. Tréningy sú zabezpečované trénermi, ktorí sú profesionáli so skúsenosťami, vďaka čomu má poskytovaný tréning vysokú úroveň.
Tréningy sú realizované takpovediac na mieru. Podľa toho čo potrebujete alebo vám najviac vyhovuje sa môžete rozhodnúť pre typ tréningu (učenie sa na príkladoch, učenie sa praktizovaním, učenie sa riadením, biznis koučing) ako aj pre miesto kde sa tréning bude realizovať (vo vašej spoločnosti, v externých priestoroch a pod.).
V prípade záujmu o niektorí z tréningov nás môžete kontaktovať priamo pomocou kontaktného e-mailu, alebo môžete využiť možnosť registrovať sa v službe EduDating Industry – Chcem sa vzdelávať.
EduDating Industry
V našej spoločnosti podporujeme myšlienku „networkingu“ a v tomto duchu sme sa rozhodli ponúknuť možnosť ako cez nás spojiť dopyt s ponukou v oblasti vzdelávania a tak umožniť aby potreby na oboch stranách boli naplnené čo najskôr a tiež k spokojnosti oboch strán.
EduDating Industry – profesionálna vzdelávacia sieť – spája dopyt po vzdelávaní zo strany podnikov či jednotlivcov so záujmom sa vzdelávať, s ponukou vzdelávania zo strany lektorov / trénerov / školiteľov.
Than to funguje?
Máš záujem sa vzdelávať? Klikni na Chcem sa vzdelávať – zaregistruj sa, vyber si oblasť vzdelávania, ktorá ťa zaujíma a my ťa podľa tebou vyplnených údajov budeme kontaktovať s ponukou tréningu práve pre teba. Prečítajte si o tom viac na šom blogu.
Máš záujem vzdelávať ostatných? Klikni na Chcem vzdelávať – zaregistruj sa, vyber si oblasť vzdelávania, pre ktorú vieš poskytnúť tréning a my ťa podľa tebou vyplnených údajov budeme kontaktovať. Prečítajte si o tom viac na našom blogu.
Solutions for you
Get a Quotation
Send us your requirements (what trainings you need to provide), choose the form that suits you best and we will process your offer.
Support in the preparation of the education
Do you need to meet business indicators and you are not sure what training could support this effort? Try the help of our specialists.
Customized training
Didn't find the training you need in the catalog? Send us your requirements and we will design tailor-made training.