Most of us have already met with a situation when the manager's job was to make decisions because improvement was required. When choosing the right decision, we need to consider a number of different factors that ultimately affect this decision.

In the production it is, for example, quality, alignment, batch size, etc. and in the administration, for example, the duration of processes and the reliability of processes. Simulation allows us to make decisions based on facts, verify multiple options, test the impacts when changing different input quantities, and choose the right one.

Classic Excel sheets mostly work with static variables and it is almost impossible to enter all states and links that would reflect on the situation. Therefore, we are looking for a way of simplifying inputs, creating so-called "black boxes", which on the one hand simplify the calculation, but on the other hand, it also increases the inaccuracy of the calculation.

Than it works

Simulačné modely pracujú s rôznymi výrobnými parametrami and thus make it easy to try to link them to the entire production system or its part. Later, it is easier to determine, for example, the maximum product flow through the entire production system - the efficiency of the production system or its part and what has the greatest influence on the flow. This way, we can verify whether our production system will be able to meet customer requirements at the desired time, quality, quantity, etc..

Usually, more accurate simulation model is compiled, the accurate results you will get. However, modern simulation tools make it possible to assemble the so-called parametric models that make it unnecessary for the skilled user to control the simulation process, but simply enter values ​​that are of the most importance.

Through the customized, easy to use table and simple data entry, it is possible to simulate changes of basic production parameters and their impact on the overall system.

The use Examples

  • Tracking the dynamic inventory development - where it arises, in what situations the changes, the means of production, the verification of efficiency.
  • Impact of production batches and product mix on the amount produced, using the full resource potential..
  • Analysis of the interim periods in the different product mix, the available capacity of resources, reliability of resources - the speed at which we are able to produce the required quantity.
  • Správna alokácia zdrojov – ľudia, stroje, obslužná technika, atď.
  • Effect of alignment on production - different frequency and duration.
  • Verification of transport routes - intensity of material flows.

Main Benefits

Verify future state and expectations

Impact of improvement processes, new company strategy, increased customer requirements, technological modification.

Get rid of complicated calculations

Comprehensive results will be achieved more accurately and quickly.

A transparent visualization of the change

Simpler understandable changes/impacts in a broader context. Possibility to influence production costs and simulate the efficiency of individual changes, production means, inventory efficiency verification, etc.

Solutions for you

Simulation model development and result analysis

The advantage of such a collaboration is that our employee will compile an independent simulation model that will reflect the required accuracy.

Parametric model development

The advantage of this collaboration is that the client may not have expensive simulation software at his disposal, therefore our company prepares input tables in which the desired properties can be entered.

Professional outsourcing

Creating a simulation model with our specialist. On customer's request, our employee can be outsourced and can be directed directly to the customer.

Solutions offer

Simulation model development and result analysis

The advantage of such a collaboration is that our employee will compile an independent simulation model that will reflect the required accuracy.

Parametric model development

The advantage of this collaboration is that the client may not have expensive simulation software at his disposal, therefore our company prepares input tables in which the desired properties can be entered.

Professional outsourcing

Creating a simulation model with our specialist. On customer's request, our employee can be outsourced and can be directed directly to the customer.