How to proceed in design automated logistics process?

AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) used to transport goods (goods = material, part, tool, apparatus, etc.) from the place of loading to
the place of use. AGV is an autonomous unattended device, so it does not need an operator to operate. On the other hand, the AGV process respectively
the automated logistics system has certain specifics to be considered when designing such a solution.

What needs to be clarified before embarking on a logistics automation project?

Although you know the process, you may see it every day at work, it may not be enough. It is imperative to know the process through numbers, facts and other real-based data.

By analyzing the process it is possible to find out whether there are wastage, variability, irregularity, deviations, operative decisions, frequent changes, etc. in the process. Variability is a big enemy of automation and can significantly overpriced it. You still need to keep in mind that automation is associated with certain costs, so if you automate wastage, the costs associated with it will still remain.

Learn more about designing production and logistics systems at the following link:

Kalkulačka nákladov logistických procesov

Zistite, aké sú vaše náklady na manuálny logistický proces. Na vašu emailovú adresu vám pošleme kalkulačku nákladov. V rámci kalkulačky je návod na vypĺňanie ako aj vzorový výpočet. 

How to design an automated process?

AGV technology is constantly evolving and the current portfolio of solutions provides a wide range of options. Several aspects need to be taken into account in the selection of AGVs, but supportive technical solutions must also be addressed:

Description of material flows

What goods will be transported, from where and where the goods will be transported, how often, what are the transport distances etc.

Description of information flows

AGV broadcasting system, AGV recall system, AGV charging system, AGV preventive maintenance system, etc.

Description of manage system

How should to behave automated logistic means, how to create transport tasks, prioritizing tasks.

Choosing of suitable AGV technique

AGV technology is constantly evolving and the current portfolio of solutions provides a wide range of options. Several aspects need to be taken into account in the selection of AGVs, but supportive technical solutions must also be addressed.

What type of AGV?

In terms of load capacity, in terms of load carrying way, in terms of direction of movement.

What type of navigation?

Tape navigation, QR code inertial navigation, laser navigation.

What type of charging?

Manual charging, automatic charging, location and time of charging.

What is good to do before purchase technique?

It may appear that you already have everything clear and nothing prevents the purchase itself. The investment in automating the logistics process is usually significant. Therefore, it is necessary to be as sure as possible whether and when this investment will return. To calculate it will need to know what you will achieve by automating logistics. What will be the production capacity? How will the use of AGV be? How much AGV do you need? 

To answer these questions, it is advantageous to create a computer simulation model and implement computer simulation for various simulation experiments. Subsequent optimization makes it possible to design a high quality AGV solution.

How choose the right AGV type?

The issue of automated logistics is complex and the technical solution of AGV can be different. Also, the operating conditions may be specific to different factories and the materials being transported may be of different shapes, weights, placed in different crates, etc. Which type of AGV is the right for your operating conditions is possible to look from several perspectives.

Choose AGV according to load capacity up to 500 kg

These limits are to be considered as indicative only, they may vary from case to case, usually they are lighter and smaller loads.

AGV with option carrying of loads on the body vehicle, option 360 rotation for narrow streets.

AGV s dvoma stanicami, výmena plnej a prázdnej prepravky v jednom kroku

AGV with two stations, change of full and empty crate in one step.

Choose AGV according to load capacity up to 1200 kg

AGV tunelový resp. podbiehací model, bremeno umiestnené v transportnom vozíku

AGV tunnel, two-way movement, only 290 mm high.

AGV s možnosťou ťahania ale aj prenášania bremena na tele vozidla

AGV with the possibility of pulling but also carrying loads on the body of the vehicle.

AGV ktorého súčasťou je aj valčekový dopravník

AGV, which also includes a roller conveyor.

Choose AGV according to load capacity over 1200 kg

AGV for use in warehouses with a load capacity of 2000 kg.

AGV pre montážne operácie, špeciálna úprava s možnosťou rôznych plošín a doplnkových funkcií

AGV for assembly operations, special modification with the possibility of various platforms and additional functions.

AGV ťahač s ťahaným vozíkom až do hmotnosti 4500 Kg

AGV with tow truck up to 4500 kg.

Choose AGV depending on the way the load is carried

  • Tunnel - The AGV usually fits under the truck on which the load is placed, then they AGV
    and the truck are linked and a transfer can be made.
  • Carrier on body of truck- On the AGV is usually the part of the conveyor, after
    which the load is transferred to the AGV, which is then transferred to another position.
  • Carrying on forks - It is similar to a forklift but with separate
    navigation and control.
  • Pulling AGV - The load is placed on a separate pulling trolley.
AGV s možnosťou ťahať ale aj prenášať bremeno na ložnej ploche

Pulling AGV

AGV with possibility pulling the load placed on separate pulling trolley.

Carrying on forks

AGV suitable for transporting pallets.

AGV s valčekovým dopravníkom, automatizované prekladanie bremena

Carrier on body of truck

AGV with roller conveyor, automatic load transfer.

AGV s možnosťou prenášať bremeno na ložnej ploche

Carrier on body of truck

AGV with lifting platform, automated load transfer.

AGV typ vysokozdvižný vozík, prenášanie bremena na vidliciach

Carrying on forks

AGV similar to a forklift, possibility place loads to shelves.

AGV tunelový resp. podbiehací model, bremeno umiestnené v transportnom vozíku

Tunnel AGV

Tunnel model AGV, load placed in transport trolley.

Choose AGV according to direction of movement

It can be argued that the more movements, the more options but also the higher cost of the solution.

AGV with unidirectional movement

An advantageous solution, especially where transport aisles are sufficiently dimensioned, AGV tracks are usually circuits.

AGV s možnosťou obojsmerného pohybu

AGV with bidirectional movement

It allows to drive into the aisles from which it is possible to move backwards.

AGV s možnosťou všesmerového pohybu

AGV with omnidirectional movement

High flexibility of solution, possibility of turning on the spot resp. lateral movement and the like, advantageous for limited transport aisles.

AGV can be developed on the basis of specific requirements with the utmost effort to meet specific operation conditions.

How to choose navigation system?

AGV needs to be localized in the space in some way, it must know where it is. Consequently, taking into account the current position and the defined task, it must be decided how to proceed to arrive at the destination. There are more possibilities. The most frequently used navigation systems:

Tape navigation

The tape may be magnetic or colored. An appropriate navigation sensor is located on the AGV to track the tape path. The big advantage of this approach is flexibility. If the AGV path change is required, the tape can be easily removed and moved.

QR code inertial navigation

Inertial navigation control uses a network of QR codes located on the floor. Navigation control based on the AGV position against the QR code corrects the AGV position. This type of navigation does not require continuous tape, is easy to implement and is flexible in changing lanes.

Laser navigation

Laser navigation is carried out on the basis of reflective tapes on the walls, shelves and / or walls, stationary machines. The AGV carries a laser transmitter and receiver on the turret. The laser is transmitted and received by the same sensor. Subsequently, the angle and distance from reflective objects are automatically calculated. This information is compared with a map of the reflective elements stored in the AGV memory. This allows the navigation system to triangulate the current AGV position. The current position is compared with the track programmed in the map, and this allows navigation to the intended destination. AGV's position is constantly updated.

SLAM navigation

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping- simuntal space mapping and AGV localization
Laser scanners create a map of the space around the AGV. Simultaneous with mapping is also
localization. The maps created in this way are used for real-time navigation with further track
planning and creation of obstacle avoidance algorithms.

Solutions for you

Online consultation

Tell us about your project you are facing. Based on our experience, we will go through the solutions together and recommend further steps.

Choose AGV

Tell us about your request. What you want to transport - what dimensions and weight the load is considered. We will recommend a possible type of AGV technology for this transport.

Customized solutions

Do you have specific requirements? Do you need a customized solution? In cooperation with our specialists we will describe the situation, identify the options and recommend a possible AGV solution.

Do you want more information without obligation?

Special AGV ponuka

Uvažujete o automatizovanej logistike, avšak nemáte doteraz osobnú skúsenosť s AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) technológiou? Prípadne chcete vyskúšať aj iný typ AGV? Zapojte sa do pilotného projektu a vyskúšajte si mini forklift AGV vo vašich prevádzkových podmienkach. Typov AGV je veľa, pre pilotný projekt odporúčame mini forklift AGV. Prečo? 

  • Automatizovaný prevoz palety bez dodatočných zariadení  
  • SLAM navigation pre rýchlu implementáciu
  •  Jednoduché privolanie a vysielanie AGV
  •  Flexibita pohybu s možnosťou otočenia o 360° v malom priestore
  • Vysoká rýchlosť AGV až 40 m/min

Pilotný projekt vás k ničomu nezaväzuje. Prihláste sa nezáväzne k získaniu viac informácií o pilotnom projekte, stačí vyplniť údaje a odoslať.